Parking Campaign

RingGo Parking Campaign

Nottingham Elders' Forum is challenging the Nottingham City Council over their plans to make certain parking areas payment by card only to a private company (RingGo).

We are campaigning to have parking payments only by RingGo to be abolished due to the inequality for older people and people with hearing difficulties or speech impediments.

Many older people do not have a mobile phone to firstly ring RingGo and secondly a great number of older people refuse to have a card, as they were brought up not to have any debt. Problems also applies to people who have hearing disabilities or speech impediments as they are unable to use the phone.

Whilst there are already areas in Nottingham where Ringo is available, there is also the alternative to pay by cash which would be the preferred method by the majority of older people.

The impact upon older people could be disproportionate and could prevent people from gaining access to healthcare, as one area is outside the City Hospital where people use as an over spill from the inadequate car parks. It could also infringe their Human Rights as it prevents them from engaging in their community or visiting their family or friends if they are prevented from parking through lack of payment facilities available to all.

To see the press coverage of this campaign, click here.